what did apollo do to persephone

When Persephone is still a young virgin (a teenage goddess, per say), Zeus is the father that neglects her, the father that abandons the family. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. So they came to Helios (the Sun), who is watchman of both gods and men, and stood in front of his horses: and the bright goddess enquired of him : ‘Helios, do you at least regard me, goddess as I am, if ever by word or deed of mine I have cheered your heart and spirit. Ever obedient to Zeus, Hades adheres to his instruction but not until he lures Persephone into consuming a pomegranate seed. Persephone, Latin Proserpina or Proserpine, in Greek religion, daughter of Zeus, the chief god, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture; she was the wife of Hades, king of the underworld.In the Homeric “Hymn to Demeter,” the story is told of how Persephone was gathering flowers in the Vale of Nysa when she was seized by Hades and removed to the underworld. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology’s greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as it’s never been told before. He watched her undress and splash around in the water. Top Answer. Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, goddess of the earth - the goddess of the harvest. The god then carried her off in … And now . Greek Lyric IV) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) They kept Helen with Theseus's mother and set out for the underworld to kidnap Persephone. A halo of flowers will appear when she i… He would continue this cycle for eternity. Her wardrobe consists largely of pastel or light colors.Her hair, which dissolves into flower petals when cut, is connected to her emotional state. Wiki User Answered . Demeter left drakons at the entryway to watch over her daughter while she returned to her duties tending the agriculture of the world. Her name was Mint, and when Hades cast her from his bed back into the world above, she was unhappy to have lost her place. So he said. In both occurrences, she bore a child. He begged to return once more to speak with Persephone, but Charon refused to let him cross. She cared for him in a normal fashion when people were around, but in secret, she covered the boy in ambrosia. Melinoe is generally described as having a pale complexion and being "clothed in saffron," an attribute given to her and the goddess of magic Hecate. Askalaphos (Ascalaphus), the son of Akheron (Acheron) and Gorgyra, bore witness against her, in punishment for which Demeter pinned him down with a heavy rock in Haides' realm. According to mythology, Hades, god of the Underworld, fell in love with beautiful Persephone when he saw her picking flowers one day in a meadow. All the while, no plants were growing around the world. Please help me out here! The people were starving without her. Persephone was the goddess of vegetation but eventually became the Queen of the Underworld. (Ares eventually released Thanatos because he was getting tired of driving men to war that could not be won without death.). ( Public Domain ) Finally, Zeus intercedes on Demeter’s behalf and orders Hades to return Persephone to her mother’s earthly domain. The Goddess Persephone is a paradox. But come, my child, obey, and be not too angry unrelentingly with the dark-clouded Son of Kronos; but rather increase forthwith for men the fruit that gives them life.’ And Aides seized her and took her loudly crying in his chariot down to his realm of mist and gloom. Jones) (Greek geographer C1st B.C. Persephone, in the meantime, took to her work without care. to C1st A.D.) : Oppian, Halieutica 3. Their time together was not complete bliss, however. Apollo is the Olympian god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture. Everyone, mortal and god alike, were praying to Zeus to relieve their suffering, to make Demeter favor the harvest once again. It was a thing of awe whether for deathless gods or mortal men to see: from its root grew a hundred blooms and it smelled most sweetly, so that all wide heaven (ouranos) above and the whole earth (gaia) and the sea's (thalassa) salt swell laughed for joy. She [Demeter] vowed that she would never set foot on fragrant Olympos nor let fruit spring out of the ground until she beheld with her eyes her own fair-faced daughter. Persephone also agreed to let her brother return Theseus to the above world. ", Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. Apollo is the god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, Archery, and the protection of the young. After informing them that his wife's death had been a terrible mistake, Hades was unmoved. The smoke had the snake come out and as it came out, Apollo shot it with his arrows. Apparently the goddess of love has fallen for the beautiful youth Adonis. In fact, he loved to kill people. She quickly rose and offered the stranger her seat, but Demeter refused to take it. He offered a spear and a cuirass, armor that covers the torso. Persephone is a goddess whose abilities have shaped her into a well-balanced being, giving equal attention to matters of life and death, stasis and change, chaos and order. As with Melinoe, Zagreus was born after Zeus, Persephone's father, raped her while disguised as a drakon. "At Eleusis flows a Kephisos (Cephisus) River . Persephone's role as the goddess of spring has a lot to do with her mother, Demeter, who is the goddess of agriculture. Happy is he among men upon earth who has seen these mysteries; but he who is uninitiate and who has no part in them, never has lot of like good things once he is dead, down in the darkness and gloom. . . flay him alive, rip off skin. with his brows, [42] and he did not disobey the order of Zeus the King. Persephone agreed, but as the boy grew, she was also taken by his beauty. Apparently this had happened before the goddess Demeter went to Eleusis, as she asked for mint in her drink. 7 : . Although it was apparently fine for Zeus to mate with his daughter, the same was not the case for a mortal, even a king. People also ask, what did Hades do to Persephone? Whatever the case, Persephone picked a pomegranate from the garden her loving husband had planted for her just outside of their palace. Persephone was born as a result of the coupling of Zeus, the ruler of the Olympian gods, and Zeus’ sister, Demeter, another of the deities of Mount Olympus. Once he reached the top, the boulder would roll back down and he would have to start over again. "[Pamphos the author of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter] says that Kore (Core) [Persephone], the daughter of Demeter, was carried off when she was playing and gathering flowers, and that the flowers by which she was deceived into being carried off were not violets, but the narcissus. The sanctuary of Apollo. 485 (trans. Did she ever kill anyone? Zeus, Persephone's father, was unable to control growing passion for his own daughter. 5. In the Homeric "Hymn to Demeter," the story is told of Persephone's abduction by Hades. 8 : Bacchylides Fragment 47 (from Scholiast on Hesiod's Theogony) (trans. That I plucked in my joy; but the earth parted beneath, and there the strong lord, Polydegmon (Host of Many) [Haides] sprang forth and in his golden chariot he bore me away, all unwilling, beneath the earth : then I cried with a shrill cry. One night, however, Metaneira witnessed the old woman putting her son into the fire, and cried out for his safety. Witness what the gods do…after dark. and by the side of it is the place they call Erineus, saying that Plouton [Haides] descended there to the lower world after carrying off Kore (Core) [Persephone]. And rich-crowned Demeter did not refuse but straightway made fruit to spring up from the rich lands, so that the whole wide earth was laden with leaves and flowers. After the Rape of Kore, the myth goes on to recount, Demeter, being unable to find her daughter, kindled torches in the craters of Mount Aitna (Etna) and visited many parts of the inhabited world . Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father [Zeus], the Son of Kronos, who is most high and excellent. ", Strabo, Geography 6. It was decided between the brothers that Hades would abduct the girl and bring her to his realm. "How did I get here?" Persephone was Zeus’s daughter by his sister Demeter. For a year, Demeter kept herself hidden away in Eleusis. He was the god of healing, medicine and archery, and of music and poetry. Apollo's voice softly whispers in my ear. Ares was willing to give up his sneaking around with Aphrodite to marry his father's daughter. : Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. ‘Demeter Mourning for Persephone’ (circa 1906) by Evelyn De Morgan. "Now when all-seeing Zeus the loud-thunderer heard this, he sent Argeiphontes [Hermes] whose wand is of gold to Erebos, so that having won over Aides with soft words, he might lead forth chaste Persephoneia to the light from the misty gloom to join the gods, and that her mother might see her with her eyes and cease from her anger. But no one would tell her the truth, neither god nor mortal man; and of the birds of omen none came with true news for her. She demanded that he bring their daughter back but Zeus refused. He was personally taught to play the lyre by Apollo, and he was exceptionally good. So did they then, with hearts at one, greatly cheer each the other's soul and spirit with many an embrace: their hearts had relief from their griefs while each took and gave back joyousness. Longing for the vanished girl her mother searched and visited all lands in turn. With a frustrated sigh, Persephone grabs Apollo's hand and drags him inside. Athena, finding the remnants of the boy, took them to her father Zeus. Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra, and he was not the nicest of people. What bad things did persephone do? Answer. But when the earth shall bloom with the fragrant flowers of spring in every kind, then from the realm of darkness and gloom thou shalt come up once more to be a wonder for gods and mortal men. She was, but just as his eyes gazed upon her, she slipped back into the underworld just as Hades had warned that she would. Upon learning of her daughter's abduction, Demeter became distraught and neglected her role as the goddess of agriculture, and widespread famine ensued. Apollo even talks about making Persephone his Olympian…I really hope that’s not how things went down with Zeus and Hera back when…but it’s very possible. The goddess of ghosts and the bringer of nightmares, Melinoe is said to the daughter of Persephone and Hades, but her true father is Zeus. Wiki User Answered . This news did little to comfort Demeter, for Hades was all powerful in his realm, and she could do nothing to force her brother to give her daughter up. Zeus then told the gods to go to his sister in Eleusis themselves to talk her into allowing the seeds to grow once again. The story of the abduction of Persephone is more a story about Demeter than it is about her daughter Persephone, so we're starting this re-telling of the rape of Persephone beginning with her mother Demeter's relationship with one of her brothers, her daughter's father, the king of the gods, who refused to step in to help—at least in a timely manner. 5 (trans. After giving birth to a boy, Smyrna was turned into a myrtle tree, while her father killed himself for what he had done, despite being unaware of it at the time. He only wanted to be held by Demeter. In Greek mythology, Persephone (also known as Proserpina) was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter (goddess of agriculture) and was queen of the Underworld. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. It was not long before he got what he was after. The exalted parentage of Persephone did not make her one of the 12 Olympians, although many of her half-siblings did receive the accolade. The infant boy was taken to Zeus throne, but Hera, Zeus's wife, was furious and had the boy sliced to pieces by a group of Titans. She would not be allowed to continue her duties or provide immortality to the boy she had grown so close to. He could not help himself. If she would stay where she was, they would go ask their father to accept the old woman into their home, as their mother had recently given birth to a son and could use the help of a nursemaid. Before falling in love with Persephone, Hades had kept another lover in the underworld. She fled to Eleusis and hid herself in a cave. 360 “Go, Persephone, to your mother, the one with the dark robe. When the old woman entered the house, Metaneira seemed to realize there was something special about her. Eurydice and Orpheus were newlyweds and very much in love, but one day she was chased by a satyr and fell into a pit of vipers. 3 4 5. Heracles managed to pull Theseus free from a rock, though he could not free Pirithous who had sought to kidnap Persephone. He quickly gathered the men of the town including Triptolemos, a young boy of the town who, in sickness, was nursed by the breast of the goddess and instantly became a healthy grown man. Apollo also asked for Persephone's hand, and offered his prized possession, the lyre his brother Hermes gave him. When he reached the underworld, he lulled Cerberus, the multi-headed dog that guarded the gates of the underworld, to sleep with his music.Then, he found the king and queen and begged for their understanding. : And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy : but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, Polydegmon (Host of Many) [Haides], with his immortal horses sprang out upon her--the Son of Kronos (Cronus), Polynomos (He Who has Many Names). Persephone was so touched by the music and the love between the pair that she pleaded with her husband to let the two of them be together. For she keeps fearful anger and does not consort with the gods, but sits aloof in her fragrant temple, dwelling in the rocky hold of Eleusis.’ The girls soon told their father Keleos all that the goddess had said. The infant boy, born with the horns of the drakon, was quickly taken to Zeus's throne. Not only had her husband fathered another illegitimate child, this time it was with his own daughter. Eventually, Zeus had had enough of this behavior and ordered Thanatos, the god of death, to chain the Sisyphus in Tartarus. When Apollo had received the bow and arrow from Zeus, he went to kill python who had killed his mother. He is muscular and his ears stick out slightly. 892 ff (trans. King and Queen of the Underworld Hades and Persephone sitting on their thrones. There first she landed from the fruitless upper air (aitheros) : and glad were the goddesses to see each other and cheered in heart. He pretended to be curious as to how the chains worked. They built a temple and altar to Demeter. But no one, either of the deathless gods or mortal men, heard her voice, nor yet the olive-trees bearing rich fruit: only tender-hearted Hekate (Hecate), bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaios (Persaeus), heard the girl from her cave, and the lord Helios (the Sun), Hyperion's bright son, as she cried to her father, the Son of Kronos. Persephone had no children. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Some Call Her Queen of the Dead. But before he died, Sisyphus instructed his wife to toss his body into the main concourse of the city and leave him lie there. When Thanatos showed him, he turned the tables on the god and chained Thanatos instead. Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikipeda Commons. : Strabo, Geography 6. 1 : Pausanias, Description of Greece 9. Eros, the god of love, in all his mischief, shot all of the gods with his golden arrow causing them to fall in love with the beautiful Persephone. The version that makes the boar Ares in disguise makes the most sense, since he would want to kill his rival. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. In Greek mythology, Persephone , also called Kore or Kora (/ˈkɔːriː/ KOR-ee; Greek: Κόρη; "the maiden"), is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. When Aphrodite returned some time later to collect the boy, Persephone refused to give him up to her rival. Of all those who applied, she was especially worried about her innocent girl ending up with the crippled Hephaestus, so she went to see the astrologer, Astraeus, who was the son of the Titans Krios and Eurybia. After Smyrna snuck into her father's bedroom and laid with him, he learned of her depravity and was devastated. So said she. But he was sitting aloof, apart from the gods, in his temple where many pray, and receiving sweet offerings from mortal men. Jones) (Greek geographer C1st B.C. But now, half human and half bird in form, they spent their time watching for ships from a height that overlooked their excellent harbour. "Lovely Terpsikhore, one of the Mousai (Muses), had borne them [the Seirenes (Sirens)] to Akheloos (Achelous), and at one time they had been handmaids to Demeter's gallant Daughter [Persephone], before she was married, and sung to her in chorus. Then she [Demeter] went to [the leaders of Eleusis] . But when the bright goddess had taught them all, they went to Olympos to the gathering of the other gods. Demeter now had no choice. Have a kindly disposition and thûmos in your breast. The kink in my neck was evidence of this. and one more question, how can she overweight these problems, what does she do to calm herself down? As the wife of Hades, king of the underworld, Persephone is considered a Greek goddess and is often coined the queen of the underworld. This gave Thanatos a problem once Sisyphus arrived at Hades's doorstep. 35. : Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) For the rest of her life, she would be required to spend half of every year in the underworld. Hades is the god of the Underworld and Apollo's uncle. 1 … But afterwards, as spring-time waxed, it was soon to be waving with long ears of corn, and its rich furrows to be loaded with grain upon the ground, while others would already be bound in sheaves. When luck-bringing Hermes came, swift messenger from my father the Son of Kronos and the other Sons of Ouranos, bidding me come back from Erebos that you might see me with your eyes and so cease from your anger and fearful wrath against the gods, I sprang up at once for joy; but he secretly put in my mouth sweet food, a pomegranate seed, and forced me to taste against my will. Demeter knew she could do much more than just help raise the boy, whose name was Demophoon. Apart from Demeter, lady of the golden sword and glorious fruits, she was playing with the deep-bosomed daughters of Okeanos and gathering flowers over a soft meadow, roses and crocuses and beautiful violets, irises also and hyacinths and the narcissus, which Gaia (the Earth) made to grow at th… Is this the only question that could have been thought of? And both Athene and Artemis, the myth goes on to say, who had made the same choice of maidenhood as had Kore and were reared together with her, joined with her in gathering the flowers, and all of them together wove the robe for their father Zeus. It could not be erased. Upon drinking the potion from her lover, she became pregnant with Dionysus. Now, she was here in Eleusis looking for someone that would take her into their home where she could be a house cleaner or a nurse. 29 (trans. Page, Vol. Kallidike told her that there were many honorable families in town, and any of them would take the old woman in. Hermes returns Persephone to her mother, Demeter. (This was the same process that would later be used by Thetis to try to save her son Achilles from the possibility of death.). Persephone did not stop her cries for help as long as the sunlight was upon her face, and just before her capturer descended with her to the Underworld, her mother heard her cries. From this nonconsensual encounter with her own father, Persephone gave birth to a son named Zagreus. ALSO KNOWN AS Kore. Then bright-coiffed Hekate came near to them, and often did she embrace the daughter of holy Demeter: and from that time the lady Hekate was minister and companion to Persephone. Adonis would die in Aphrodite’s arms, but it is unclear if Persephone knew that this would happen. Page, Vol. Demeter was so happy when her daughter was returned to her that she allowed the plants to grow and bear fruit. He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. . He took the form of one of the drakons Demeter had left to protect their daughter and, after putting Persephone to sleep, had his way with her. Hades had both of them chained to a rock by the River Lethe. Poseidon being the god of horses, however, recognized the disguise and took the form of a stallion. Heracles's twelfth labor took him into the underworld to retrieve the multi-headed guard dog Cerberus. . Arriving there, they sat down to rest. "[Demeter's] trim-ankled daughter whom Aidoneus [Haides] rapt away, given to him by all-seeing Zeus the loud-thunderer. And when Demeter saw them, she rushed forth as does a Mainas (Maenad) down some thick-wooded mountain, while Persephone on the other side, when she saw her mother's sweet eyes, left the chariot and horses, and leaped down to run to her, and falling upon her neck, embraced her. Each of them went to Demeter and begged her to return to work. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter (abridged) (trans. When the Titans were gone, Athena collected the heart of tiny Zagreus and took it to her father, Zeus. Demeter then devised a plan to protect her daughter. Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. : Of course, it is thought that Persephone meant the sleep for Aphrodite rather than Psyche. When another seat was brought forth, the old woman took a seat and sat in silence. 1. And the violets, we are told, and the rest of the flowers which supply the sweet odour continue to bloom, to one's amazement, throughout the entire year, and so the whole aspect of the place is one of flowers and delight. The myth of her abduction represents her function as the personificationof vegetation, which shoots forth in spring and withdraws into the earth after harvest; hence, she is also associated with spring as well as the fertility of vegetatio… Persephone herself has only ever cheated on her husband with the incredibly handsome mortal man Adonis. This article covers all of the known Greek mythology on Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and the wife of Hades, god and king of the underworld. 35. The god then carried her off in his chariot to live with him in the dark Underworld. If you can improve this page, please edit it (Adding headers and subheaders, simplifying sentences, etc) or help by discussing possible changes. Painter unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikipedia Commons. Would happen was and why she was afar off, brooding on her husband with the girl never his. Series of what did apollo do to persephone Hades would abduct the girl never responded his love at! Entered Hades 's palace, Persephone picked a pomegranate from the time of birth and the wild parties, he! Her brother and Hermes obeyed, and half of the territory of Enna a loved one claims the same.... Herb that bears her name barehands, he turned to look back, and bore kids. When it comes to their problems a result of this behavior and ordered,... She was and why she was ready to give him up, Zeus had helped him looking for a to. The entire thing so quickly lost the love of Apollo but unfortunately the girl away from the underworld and 's... 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what did apollo do to persephone 2021